Saturday, August 21, 2010

Glass house mountains from wild horse look out take 2

Second attempt, i adjusted the exposures first this time, merged in Photoshop.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Main Street in two tone

Main Street in two tone, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Main Street Brisbane by night.

Color removed with desaturation in Lightroom

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Laser pointer and a candle

Laser pointer and a candle, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Laser pointer and a candle... what more do you need?

Green Candle

Green Candle, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

One from the archives, candle and laser pointer, lighter fluid and a long exposure.... let the candle cool down before you touch it!

Friday morning Fog

Friday morning Fog, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Friday morning fog from a few weeks ago, taken form the top of Mt Cootha on the way to work.

Noisy minors

Noisy minors, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Noisy minors on the fence, anyone tell me what he was singing?

Glass house from wild horse.

The view looking towards the Glass house mountains, Well worth the 700m walk up the hill.

I have a Blog!!!

Welcome to My blog.... My Photos, Photos I Like, Photo related things.
Lets see where it goes.