Monday, December 6, 2010


Seagulls, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Seagulls against the morning sky.

Seagulls out at the north slob

I think he is waiting for lunch, however there is a not a fish and chip shop close.


Finch???, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

ID required. taken with the 70-200 and a crop form the center.


seagulls, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Seagulls against the morning sky.

Curracloe beach sunrise

Curracloe beach sunrise, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Curracloe beach, where they filmed the opening scene for saving private ryan.

Yeah still haven't mastered HDR yet

Ice on a fence post

Ice on a fence post, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Wanna a new Wallpaper

Out the window bird

Out the window bird, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

This was taken looking out my bedroom window.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wexford Quay

Wexford Quay, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Wexford Quay

Fishing boats waiting for the weather to clear and snow.

Rope in Snow

Rope in Snow, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Rope in Snow

Hook and Bird

Hook and Bird, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Hook and Bird

Bollards and Birds

Bollards and Birds, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Bollards and Birds

Train lines, snow and sunrise

Train lines, snow and sunrise

Leaves covered in snow

Leaves covered in snow, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Yep leaves in snow

Wind Turbine and Stars

Wind Turbine and Stars, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Sunday night and an hour in the cold.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wind Turbine and Stars

Wind Turbine and Stars, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Sorry it's been a while, this was from about two weekends ag

Trails cover about 40 minutes of the night sky.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Up the garden Path

Up the garden Path, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Up the garden Path

really can't wait for the sun to be out and the autum colours, i will go back to this spot.

After a useful life

After a useful life, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Mister Jess lying on her port waiting for the better days to return.

Butterfly and a crack

Butterfly and a crack, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Could also have called it "Ready for take off". (Taken with the 18-200 at 200mm - i like that lens)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Main Street in two tone

Main Street in two tone, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Main Street Brisbane by night.

Color removed with desaturation in Lightroom

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Laser pointer and a candle

Laser pointer and a candle, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Laser pointer and a candle... what more do you need?

Green Candle

Green Candle, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

One from the archives, candle and laser pointer, lighter fluid and a long exposure.... let the candle cool down before you touch it!

Friday morning Fog

Friday morning Fog, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Friday morning fog from a few weeks ago, taken form the top of Mt Cootha on the way to work.

Noisy minors

Noisy minors, originally uploaded by Peter Sneddon.

Noisy minors on the fence, anyone tell me what he was singing?

Glass house from wild horse.

The view looking towards the Glass house mountains, Well worth the 700m walk up the hill.

I have a Blog!!!

Welcome to My blog.... My Photos, Photos I Like, Photo related things.
Lets see where it goes.